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The Ultimate Shoreditch Street Art Guide: 18 Unmissable Spots + Map

The Ultimate Shoreditch Street Art Guide: 18 Unmissable Spots + Map

Shoreditch is home to a thriving street art scene that’s ever-changing and never boring. The ever-cool hub of London’s urban art, don’t miss these Shoreditch street art spots – complete with a Shoreditch street art map for you to do your own free tour.

You can’t write a series about street art in London without talking about Shoreditch. It’s arguably the place that everyone thinks of when they think of the capital’s street art scene.

From giant murals that take up the facades of whole buildings, to smaller pieces by up and coming street artists, it’s all there. Tracking it down never makes for a boring day which is why we’ve put together this guide to all the best spots in Shoreditch to see street art. 

We’ve written this by location, along with information about the current pieces you can spot in them – and a few past faves for old time’s sake. 

It’s highly likely that by the time you get to these locations the pieces will have changed, but you can still visit those locations and use the handy Shoreditch street art map at the end of the article to create your own Shoreditch street art trail.

Ultimate Shoreditch Street Art Guide

1. New Inn Yard

 Mr Cenz

Breeze your way down Great Eastern Street and turn left onto New Inn Yard, the next stop on our Shoreditch street art trail.

Now, we know that it’s wrong to have favourites but we just love Mr Cenz’s work. He’s one of Shoreditch’s most prolific and visible artists – no doubt thanks to his striking, attention-grabbing pieces 

Mr Cenz has been a seminal figure in the London street art scene since the 80s. No street art tour of London or piece on street art in Shoreditch would be complete without seeing some of his work (we’re not sure you could manage it anyway, he’s pretty prolific).

His surrealist take on large-scale murals, complete with bold lettering and technicolored strokes, has established him as one of London’s most exciting urban artists.

Mr Cenz lovepusher

See what we mean? This mural, created by Mr Cenz and Lovepusher is one of our favourites.

In the interest of full disclosure, we actually met Mr Cenz one morning last year while mooching around and checking out some of the quieter Shoreditch graffiti spots (in this case, the wall at the 5th Base Gallery – we’ll head there later).

We can show you the video of the man at work – but only if you promise not to mock our editor’s blatant fangirling. “Wow, you like made that, wow. I mean, LOOK AT IT. Wow” to which he’s like “err OK, chill, I’m just doing what I do”. 

Look, playing it cool is not her thing. Do we have a deal?

Away from Mr Cenz, there are plenty of other cool pieces of street art on New Inn Yard.

2. King John Court


The small triangle formed by New Inn Yard, King John Court and Holywell Lane is packed, absolutely packed with some of Shoreditch’s most creative street art murals.

Want to see for yourself?

This building on the corner of King John’s Court is covered in pieces by Busk, Oliver Switch, Hicks, Dr Zadok, Ninth Seal, Hunto, Thoms, Captain Kris, Tizer and Best Ever.  The pieces we mentioned above for New Inn Street actually form part of the same series of murals – all of which revolve around the theme of connectivity.

The shape of connectivity in the past, present and future is taken from a theoretical concept and brought to life in these jaw-dropping murals. Don’t miss it.

3. Holywell Lane

Snr X - Street art in Shoreditch

There’s a sense of urgency lent by street art as it’s almost always temporary. If you walk the same route from one month to another, you’ll never find quite the same pieces.

Walls are painted, sprayed, whitewashed and sprayed again. Hoardings are taken down. Pieces are vandalised or hidden under posters.

The temporary nature of street art is part of its appeal, but it’s also sad when a favourite piece disappears forever.

Over the years, Village Underground’s mural space across from CitizenM has proudly displayed the work of a roster of talented artists.

Prior to that, it was an absolute gobsmacker by London street art genius Dale Grimshaw. In other words, whatever’s there is going to be worth a look, so make sure you do.

4. Railway Hoardings Underneath Shoreditch Overground Line

Railway Hoardings Underneath Shoreditch Overground Line

Duck left next to CitizenM to the railway hoardings. Running underneath the overground line that leads to nearby Shoreditch High Street station, it’s another cool little spot filled with Shoreditch graffiti.

Just on the other side of Hanbury Street you can also pop into the car park where murals crop up quite frequently.

5. Ebor Street

Ebor Street

Ebor Street regularly becomes home to some larger, longer works thanks to its well, large and long wall. At the moment you’ll be able to see this piece by Dotmasters.

Ebor Street

As well as this bizarre advert for Louboutin shoes.

Ebor Street

6. Wheeler Street

Wheeler Street

Duck past Boxpark and the entrance to Shoreditch High Street Overground station to Wheeler Street. The arches underneath the station normally have a couple of smaller pieces – sometimes you need to pass right under the bridge to find them.

7. Chance Street 

Chance Street

Now double back on yourself and head towards Chance Street where you’ll find some of the biggest murals on our Shoreditch street art tour. You’ll pass by these  – if you can rely on corporations for one thing, it’s monetising a subculture. 

But you’re now on Chance Street. Your arrival will be welcomed by the Mandalorian.

Chance Street

8. Whitby Street

 Whitby Street

Whitby Street might be tiny but it punches well above its weight in terms of London street art in Shoreditch. The wall space here is currently taken up by a piece reminding you where dreams are made.

9. Sclater Street 

Street Art

Back that a** up and make your way down Sclater Street – Brick Lane’s graffiti beckons, but first there are always a few works on Sclater Street to check out.

10. Brick Lane

zabou gas mask art

From there, it’s onto Brick Lane. So much has been written about Brick Lane’s street art that it almost feels a shame to add more words to the count… But we shall.

If you want to get a glimpse of east London’s street art scene but don’t have much time, Brick Lane and its immediate surroundings is the place to go. It feels like there’s a new piece waiting to be discovered around every corner. Not even the bins have escaped Brick Lane’s graffiti craze untouched.


Keep an eye out for one of our long-time favourites from Zabou.

Zabou is one of the most prolific names on the London street art scene (It’s easy to find her pieces dotted around London). The French artist has been living in London since 2012 and has been bringing the capital’s walls to life ever since.

sPray in London sits proud on Brick Lane (just across from Grimsby Street). The piece is rich with bright hues, capturing the viewer’s eye with its unmasked political and religious connotations. Even though it’s been partially covered, it’s still hanging in there… for now.

As are these murals by Benzi Brofman

11. Pedley Street

jay kayes graphic art
colourful street art with sun

Escape the madness of Brick Lane to much quieter Pedley Street.

Brace yourself for a barrage of audacious Shoreditch art walls – the names and the pieces might change but the overall effect is the same.

It’s amazing how one small spot consistently hosts such diverse and sensational pieces. One not to miss.

12. Allen Gardens

Allen Gardens

London is full of green spaces – and many of those are no stranger to a spot of graffiti – but Allen Gardens is different. This small park, at the end of Pedley Street, is one of the most dynamic spots for street art in Shoreditch.

We counted no fewer than ten new pieces going up on yesterday’s visit.

13. Hanbury Street

Hanbury Street

Turning into Hanbury Street you’ll see another work. This one is unsigned of two people that are clearly very into mushrooms. We’ll plead ignorance as to who these people are, but if you have some idea please let us know.

14. Shoreditch Graffiti Wall at Seven Stars Yard

Shoreditch Graffiti Wall at Seven Stars Yard

Further along Brick Lane, you’ll find one of Shoreditch’s most talked about street art hubs, the Seven Stars Yard (otherwise known as the Shoreditch graffiti wall).

The pub’s car park has established itself as one of the most exciting places to see street art in London. Check out the location on my comprehensive Shoreditch graffiti map. The line up is always changing, but this is what’s currently up at the start of March 2023.

We’re not going to lie, it’s not as epic as some of the work that’s been up there. The walls have featured the creme de la creme of international street art talent. Check out some of these golden oldies.

15. Fashion Street

mr cenz

As soon as we walked around the corner to Fashion Street, we gatecrashed one of Shoreditch Street Art Tours weekend outings.  

Sure enough, the guide pointed to one of Mr Cenz’s pieces and proclaimed “Now this is beautiful. Even people who don’t really get the idea of street art can appreciate the beauty and skill of this piece”.

Now, isn’t that the truth.

16. 5th Base Gallery – Heneage Street

up yours street art 3d

Innovative 5th Base Gallery is well worth a visit at any time. The gallery hosts a series of exhibitions, film screenings and workshops in the heart of Shoreditch.

It also just so happens to have one of the biggest piece of Shoreditch street art tucked away on its side wall.

The wall changes frequently – at the moment it’s a 3D work by reputed artist Fanakapan (who’s exhibition inside the gallery has now sadly finished). Up next? Who knows…

17. Old Truman Brewery

Old Truman Brewery

Best-known as a drinking den (and quite rightly too), there are a couple of street art pieces dotted around the Old Truman Brewery if you know where to look. Hint: look up.

18. Great Eastern Street

We’re almost back where we started on our free Shoreditch street art tour. Feeling sad?

No worries, there are a couple of pieces to see on Great Eastern Street as we trudge our way back up to Old Street to where it all began.

Practical Information for Your Shoreditch Street Art Tour

Start and Finish Point for the Shoreditch Street Art Trail

We started and finished this tour at Old Street Station, which is on the Northern Line and also a National Rail Station.

You can also use Shoreditch High Street Overground station. If you do this, start with Ebor Street and add those you’ve missed to the end of the tour.

Alternatively, finish at Liverpool Street Station and squeeze the last stop in as number 1.

Taking a Guided Shoreditch Street Art Tour

There are plenty of guided tours of the graffiti in Shoreditch. Obviously you get a lot more background and information on a guided tour – particularly if you book onto a private tour. Check these ones out for starters.

How Long Does it Take to Follow This Shoreditch Street Art Trail?

About two hours. I’d allow three so you can take your time and don’t have to hurry. All of the spots are close together, so it’s not too bad distance-wise.

Shoreditch Street Art Map

Ready to set off? Don’t miss this Shoreditch street art map (which doubles up as a Brick Lane graffiti map if you just focus on Brick Lane and its immediate surrounds).

Of course, the street art mentioned in this piece will continue to change over the coming months and years, but the places featured are long-standing canvasses for artists, so there should always be something to see in those spots.

Don’t forget to come back for the rest of the series on the best street art in London (hint, Camden, Walthamstow, Croydon and Peckham will be making an appearance).

Frank Alphonse

Sunday 19th of May 2019

Hi Julianna, I just started street art hunting and it is because of resources such as your guide that I am able to celebrate masterpieces.

Have you heard of streetartcities. com? It's both a website and an app that documents murals in cities domestically and internationally.

If you have already, that's great. However, if you haven't I highly encourage you to visit regularly as I'm finding many interesting and visually pleasing commissions/non commissions that haven't been documented elsewhere. Please keep sharing your discoveries and enjoy your travels!

Kind regards, Frank Alphonse

Julianna Barnaby

Tuesday 21st of May 2019

Hi Frank,

Thanks for your kind words - really glad to hear that you are street art hunting and finding cool pieces - there's so much to see and it's only getting better. I had heard of streetartcities but haven't used in a while, thanks for the reminder. Will check it out for my trip to Athens tomorrow!

All the best,



Sunday 25th of November 2018

I stayed near Shoreditch last time I was in the UK and saw a few murals—but I had no idea there were so many! I love hunting down street art when I travel, but I'm finding it's become more commercial in some places. Not here by the looks of it! I love the grungy style and the colours of these murals, very London!

Julianna Barnaby

Friday 30th of November 2018

It's one of my favourite things to do too Emily - I love how it varies so much from country to country and destination to destination, but at the same time you see familiar names and styles popping up in different places. really glad you enjoyed and hope you get to go back and explore more!


Saturday 24th of November 2018

This is by far the best self guided post on street art in London that I've seen! We were just in Shoreditch last month and it's amazing how even since then some of these pieces have changed! (Although I also recognised a lot of them!) Can't wait to check out your other street art articles - in London and elsewhere! You should also consider a piece on Brixton street art, there is TONS, including, of course the akajimmyc's David Bowie, as well as several of Dreph's.

By the way, dunno if you know this (we didn't!) but that painting you have on Princelet Street by BKFoxx is of a guy called Dean, who runs the 'Not Banksy Forum' and does a lot of work with street artists around the world. Once we found this out, we literally started seeing Dean everywhere, which we thought was kind of cool.

Julianna Barnaby

Friday 30th of November 2018

Hey Dagney,

Thank you very much - totally appreciated. It is incredible how quickly pieces change. Good point on Brixton - I love hanging out there and it's another hub of street art in London and with its own unique vibe. Added to the list! I did not know that - I am going to start keeping my eyes open now. Bet I'll see Dean pop up in a couple of places!


Saturday 24th of November 2018

Oh wow I had no idea there was so much street art in Shoreditch! I especially love the portraits, great photos! I’ll add this to the list for my next London’s trip.

Julianna Barnaby

Saturday 24th of November 2018

Its absolutely brimming with it! Thanks - definitely add Shoreditch to your next London trip!


Saturday 24th of November 2018

I love Shoreditch and this guide will be perfect for my upcoming trip to London. Thanks for sharing and your photos are lovely!

Julianna Barnaby

Saturday 24th of November 2018

Thanks so much Sarah - Shoreditch is full of so much creativity. I really hope you have a brilliant trip. Wrap up warm ?

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