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Harry Potter in London: Magical Filming Locations + Attractions You Have to See

Harry Potter in London: Magical Filming Locations + Attractions You Have to See

It’s official. Harry Potter is the boy who lived – more than 20 years after Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone first hit the shelves and we STILL can’t get enough of him.

London just so happens to be a rather magical place for Harry Potter fans. In fact, I’ll go as far as saying that there are few destinations that boast so many cool Potter related locations (believe me, I’ve looked).

You can whizz around the film studios, challenge yourself to a Potter-themed escape room, or take a self-guided walking tour of many of the locations that pop up in the films.


As someone who snuggles down to watch the films every year and has reread the books a rather obsessive number of times, I can’t tell you how exciting it was to discover the world of Harry Potter in London.

Now it’s your turn. Let’s go!

Harry Potter Filming Locations in London

King’s Cross Station

Harry Potter Platform 9 3/4

All aboard the Hogwarts Express!

King’s Cross train station is the very place that the Hogwarts Express departs from in the books and the films.

Apart from dreams of what it would be like to actually whizz away on the train to Hogwarts, there are three things that you won’t want to miss within the station.

The first is the actual spot between Platforms 9 and 10 where Platform 9 ¾ is supposed to reside. There’s not actually that much to see here though.

Much more exciting is the trolley half-buried into the wall poised for you to take that classic shot, and the Harry Potter Shop (which I talk about in more detail in the attractions section below). Both of these are at the edge of the station.  

Back to that photo of you running through the wall at Platform 9 ¾. I won’t lie – unless you get there first thing in the morning, chances are that you are going to have to queue for it. Like, for hours. I’m not saying that it isn’t worth it but forewarned is forearmed.

What I will say that if you are going to the Harry Potter Studios – DON’T BOTHER QUEUING at King’s Cross. There are several spots in the studio’s reconstruction of Kings Cross where you can get the same shot and (oh blessed day), there are zero queues. You’re welcome.

St Pancras Station

St Pancras Station
St Pancras

Just across the road from King’s Cross, St Pancras International Station steals the limelight from its humbler neighbour.

The exterior of St Pancras features as the London Harry Potter station the Hogwarts Express departs from.

I totally understand why the filmmakers used the exterior of St Pancras in the films rather than King’s Cross… who doesn’t want an eyeful of that beautiful Gothic architecture?

Plus it makes it even more dramatic when Harry and Ron purloin the Ford Anglia to fly to Hogwarts when they miss the Express in The Chamber of Secrets right?

Leadenhall Market

Diagon Alley
Can you picture it as Diagon Alley?

Does Leadenhall Market look familiar? It was used as one of the Harry Potter filming locations in London for several of the films – specifically as Diagon Alley.

Look even closer and you can find the blue door of what was then an empty opticians within Leadenhall Market, which pops up as the entrance to the wizarding pub Leaky Cauldron.

Lambeth Bridge

Lambeth Bridge

Cast your minds back to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, when Harry storms out from the Dursleys only to be rescued by the totally fabulous Knight Bus.

Careering through the streets of central London at what is, quite frankly, a rather irresponsible speed, the Knight Bus hurtles around, narrowly avoiding mowing down old ladies and causing destruction.

With me now? Then you’ll certainly remember the excitement when the bus has to squeeze between two muggle London buses on a bridge. Lambeth Bridge is that bridge.

While you won’t see any optical illusions here, it’s a cool little spot to add to your tour of Harry Potter filming locations in London, if only for the beaut views of the river Thames, Parliament and beyond.

Australia House

Australia House
Australia House

Time to withdraw your  galleons – for which you’ll need to head to Australia House, which doubles up as Gringotts in the film series.

Unfortunately, the outside was the work of some nifty CGI, but if you can sweet talk your way inside, you’ll see the stately interior that serves as the backdrop to the trio’s antics in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II.

London Zoo’s Reptile House

Have you ever had the sneaking suspicion that maybe, just maybe, you could speak Parseltongue?

Well, there’s no better place to test out that theory than in the Reptile House at ZSL London Zoo… otherwise known as the Harry Potter filming location where Harry first speaks parseltongue and sets a snake free. As you do.

Claremont Square

Claremont Square
Claremont Square

A quiet terrace of Georgian houses in Islington might not look like much but Claremont Square is the film location for 12 Grimmauld Place.

Still not ringing any bells? It’s the home of the Order of the Phoenix – a.k.a the Black residence that Sirius kindly donates to be used by the order in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and by the trio The Deathly Hallows Part I.

Make your way to numbers 23 to 29 and all will become clear.

Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus is terrifying enough at the best of times. The thronging crowds and neon lights are a recipe of things guaranteed to set your teeth on edge. Well, imagine how stressful it would be if you disapparated there only to be chased by Death Eaters trying to kill you.

Sound familiar? That’s exactly what happens to Harry, Hermione and Ron in the Deathly Hallows Part I. Swing by Piccadilly Circus, but keep your eyes open – you never know who’s on your tail.

Great Scotland Yard

Great Scotland Yard looks innocuous enough. There are some rather beautiful buildings, it’s located just off of Whitehall. Nothing incredible to see here… right?


Picture a red telephone box at the junction of Scotland Place and voila – you have the entrance to the Ministry of Magic. Unfortunately, the telephone box was just a prop but know you know, your imagination can do the rest.

Stoney Street

Diagon Alley
Diagon Alley

Now, I know that I said that Leadenhall Market held the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron but there are actually a couple of spots with this title as the films moved about a bit as they progressed.

Underneath the railway bridge on Stoney Street, next to Borough Market, features as the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Westminster Tube Station

Westminster Station
Westminster Station

Westminster might look like any other tube station from the street.

However, the beady-eyed amongst you will spot that it was the very same station that Harry used in the Order of the Phoenix when he’s travelling to his disciplinary hearing at the Ministry for his use of magic against the dementors in Little Whinging.

Millennium Bridge

Millennium Bridge
Views from the Millennium Bridge

I think that we can all agree that those Death Eaters are a right nasty lot. It’s a pretty bad sign of things to come for poor muggle London when they destroy the Millennium Bridge (which has come to be nicknamed the Harry Potter bridge in London), plunging all the people walking along it into the Thames.

Perhaps don’t think about that too much while you’re walking over the bridge though.

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge and Girl with Dolphin
Tower Bridge

I’ll be honest, Tower Bridge only makes a fleeting appearance in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Remember the scene when Harry flies over Tower Bridge on his broomstick? Well, turns out that Tower Bridge is pretty magical even without wizards zipping around it in the air. Who knew?

Must-Visit Harry Potter Attractions in London

These spots weren’t used as filming locations (apart from the Warner Bros Studios) but they’ve all been inspired by the film and should go straight onto your list of cool Harry Potter locations in London.

Warner Brothers Studio Tour – Peek Behind the Scenes at the Ultimate Harry Potter Filming Location in London

Harry Potter Studios London
It’s Diagon Alley!

People. We need to talk about the Harry Potter Studio Tour at the Warner Bros Studios in Leavesden.

Short version of that talk = It’s brilliant.

Longer version: I finally went last month, trying to pretend that I was totally chilled out about the fact that I was going to spend hours in the film studios where the Harry Potter films were created.

Obviously, I was not chilled out, I was more excited than a five year old at Christmas. Even so, it still managed to exceed expectations.

WB Studios London - Running with trolley
Off to Hogwarts!

Seeing the sets and props IRL, walking along Diagon Alley, seeing the scale construction of Hogwarts – as I said, it’s brilliant.

I know that tickets are quite expensive and you have to book ages ahead (though it’s always worth checking as we snaffled ours three days in advance) but it’s absolutely worth it.

PS – the studios are in Leavesden, which is a bit of a pain to get to from London. If you don’t have your own transport, it’s easier to book on a tour than trying to get there independently.

The House of Minalima – The Harry Potter Store in London

Inside the House of Minalima
Inside the House of Minalima

The House of Minalima is the shop where all of your Harry Potter-related dreams come true.

Part Harry Potter exhibition, part shop, this multi-floored space in Soho was started by two of the graphic designers responsible for bringing the books to life in the films.

Eduardo Lima and Miraphora Mina met when working on the Harry Potter films – together, they designed so many of those iconic graphics that you’ll remember – the striking covers of the Daily Prophet, the wanted posters from which death eaters’ faces stare malevolently.

As you can imagine, visiting The House of Minalima is a pretty big deal. You can also pick up limited edition posters, cool badges – even your very own potion books to bring home. Now if that doesn’t make you go all heart eyed emoji, I don’t know what will.

The Harry Potter Shop at Platform 9 ¾ – Alternative Spot for Buying Your Wands

Harry Potter Shop at Platform 9 3/4
Harry Potter Shop at Platform 9 3/4

The Harry Potter Shop at Platform 9 ¾ sits inside King’s Cross Station.

Don’t worry about finding it – just keep your eyes open for the queue of people waiting to get that famous shot with the trolley half buried in the wall.

Of course, any shop centred around all things Harry Potter is going to be pretty fantastic – especially when it’s based on a design of Ollivander’s wand shop.

Trying on loads of swag from your house (in case you’re wondering, Slytherin / Gryffindor when I’m playing nice) and choosing a wand – what’s not to like?

The Cauldron – The Harry Potter-Themed Cocktail Bar in London

Making drinks at The Cauldron
Making drinks at The Cauldron

Sorry kids but if you’re under 18, time to skip ahead because The Cauldron is strictly one for the adults.

What if I told you that there was a Harry Potter-inspired cocktail bar in London where you can make your own (drinkable and boozy) potions. You would think that was pretty awesome wouldn’t you?

Good. Because that’s exactly what I am telling you.

The Cauldron is a cool pop up in Stoke Newington where you can don your robes, pick up your wand and spend a few hours cooking up a few real-life brews.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – The Harry Potter Theatre in London

Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue
This year’s must-see play

I have to be honest here. I haven’t actually been to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child yet.

It makes me endlessly sad inside and believe me, seeing the play (which is actually split into two parts) is high up on the list of awesome things I need to do like, yesterday.

Everyone I’ve spoken to says it’s awesome. I’ll be going soon and will update as soon as I have.

In the meantime, you can book your Harry Potter and the Cursed Child tickets here.

Cutter and Sqidge – The Harry Potter Afternoon Tea in London

Cutter & Squidge

It should be clear by now that there are a lot of Harry Potter-inspired experiences in London. But few are going to appeal to your stomach as much as the rather delicious Harry Potter afternoon tea at Cutter and Squidge.

London does a jolly good afternoon tea at the best of times but when you add in a few drinkable and edible potions, it gets so much better.

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – The Harry Potter Escape Room in London

Escape Rooms can be totally brilliant or pretty naff. We can all guess which category a Harry Potter escape room falls into right?

So what does it involve? You and your team of fellow witch and wizard wannabes are locked in a room, your task? To solve a series of Harry Potter-themed enigmas to defeat the dark side and win your freedom. Simples.  

That’s a wrap guys. I hope you have an absolutely brilliant time discovering all the places featured in this guide. Happy exploring!

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